0182 Bending Weir UFT-FluidBend
Intended Purpose
The Bending Weir UFT-FluidBend is a self-regulating discharge device for use as an overflow weir at combined sewer overflow tanks and in other storage structures. Compared with a fixed weir, the Bending Weir has a significantly lower apparent overflow head for the same discharge and the same length.
Properties of the Bending Weir UFT-FluidBend
- considerably greater discharge capacity than with a fixed overflow sill
- a Bending Weir of 1 m length can replace about 2 to 10 m of fixed sill with the same discharge and backwater (weir replacement factor)
- gain in storage volume (storage capacity activation)
- significant length reduction of the overflow weir and thus also reduced size and costs of the structure
- reduced discharge of pollutant particles transported near the sewer bottom (bed load) because the water is passing over the weir rather than underneath
- automatic operation without external energy
- low weight due to the use of special spring-type stainless steel, whose material characteristics are suitable for this application
- no cables, counterweights or cam discs
- high operational reliability
- long lifetime, low wear tendency