0235 Fine Screen UFT-FluidBarScreen-ROMAG
Intended Pupose
Many coarse materials, which often float in the combined water, can neither be effectively retained by settling in stormwater tanks nor by scum boards.
To solve this problem, the combined water from the overflow can be treated by screens or sieves.
The proven bar screen UFT-FluidBarScreen-ROMAG with its 4 mm gap width can be classified as a ‘finest screen’. The cleaning device consists of hydraulically driven combs which reach into the screen from behind.
Properties of the Fine Screen UFT-FluidBarScreen-ROMAG
- reliable retention of floating and swimming coarse materials
- optimal gap width of 4 mm
- robust stainless steel construction
- smooth transfer of the screened material through asymmetrical combs
- removal of screened material with the wastewater flow
- no fixed cross-connections on the inlet side, which cause trapping and build-up of solids
- drive on the rear: no immersed parts
- powerful hydraulic drive
- low energy consumption, no aerosols
- modular design, so that the length and height of the screen can be varied depending on the application
- large active area and low surface loading due to fixed downstream weir sheet